Edgar of Edgar Raw talks Career, Beginnings, Cooking, and Favorite Recipes

Anna Kenney
1 min readJul 26, 2021

Edgar is a creator in constant motion. I know this because I silently observe in a not-yet-caffeinated awe as he flits around the kitchen like a hummingbird when I show up a few times a week to help him tackle whatever exciting projects he’s taking on for the day. I’m lucky enough to have known Edgar for several years now and he’s always been ambitious, creative, and passionate, so it’s no surprise that the last few years have brought him an array new clients and attention. However, watching him put almost all of it on hold in order to pursue his longtime passion project — writing a vegan cookbook based on his mom and abuela’s traditional Mexican recipes — was truly inspiring.

Somehow, I got Edgar to sit down with me for a few minutes and discuss his career, its beginnings, his favorite recipes, and his cookbook (out 10/12/2021!)— and after listening to it, I know I’m not going to be the only one counting down the days until this book release!

Full Length Interview:

Chef, vegan food content creator, and recent cookbook author Edgar Castrejon poses for a portrait after shooting the final images for his cookbook in December of 2020 (Anna Kenney, J110).



Anna Kenney

Bay Area based wanderer, writer, photographer, and relentless dreamer.